Jan 5, 2010

How to separate an object from its background

There are many ways to separate an object from its background using Photoshop. Of course, you can even use an Eraser Tool, :) but only if you're a novice. Do you know, why? It's because you can get back a part of the image that you've erased only with Step Backward function... if it's still available. So, in this tutorial I'll show you, how to separate an object from its background using... Pen Tool. This way is good for objects with accurate and smooth contour.

1) Open your old photo in Photoshop (File -> Open). On my photo I have doggie with nice smooth contour.

2) Take Pen Tool.

The options of Pen Tool must be like on the picture below.

3) Start edding points at the edge of object, but not too close to the edge, leave about one millimetre. Don't add to much points at this stage. Now you just need to designate main positions.

4) If you see a figure, filled with colour, it's ok. Just make it transparent by setting Layer's Shape 1 Opacity 0%.

5) When the line is closed, all the main points disappeared. It's ok. Just Ctrl + left mouse button click on the line.

6) Now it's time to add other points for our contour. By directing Pen Tool on the line you'll see that it has "+". It means that you can add a point. Ctrl + take the point and move it to the right place, repeating contour of the object.

7) This is what your object will look like when you'll add all the points for the contour. :)

8) Now we need to select the shape that we just have created. Ctrl + left mouse button click on the layer with a shape.

9) If you did it the right way, you'll see moving dotted selection line around your object.

10) Now we'll make our background invisible by adding a mask. Just click on the button, shown on picture (Add layer mask). If you have layers under your object layer, just click on the "eyes" of that layers to make them invisible. If you did it the right way, you'll see you object on transparent background.

11) You can get back any part of your image, just drawing with white brush (black brush to erase) on the mask.

12) Do all the same things to select and hide all other parts of the background.

13) When the new shape is created and selected (step 8), on the layer of the mask fill it with black color.

14) Now you have your object completely separated from its background. But there is one more thing we need to do.

15) If you'll look on the contour of your object closely, you'll notice that it's unnaturally sharp. Of course, we can't leave it like this. Select layer with the mask and go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur. For my doggie I took Radius 0,4, but you may need to take bigger. It depends on your photo's sharpness.

16) Now our contour looks much better. :)

17) If you've made your contour too blurry, you can easily correct it. Go to Image -> Adjustments -> Levels and move two end sliders to the centre, and you'll see that contour's becoming sharper.

18) Here is my result. I've added a other background and shadows.

I hope you liked the tutorial and you've found it helpful. Feel free to rate and comment.

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